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Ryf NKL 90 Dome (obsolete)

  • Ryf AG

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The Spherical Fluorescent Vision Illuminator (NKL90 Dome) is designed for use in machine vision applications where highly diffuse, uniform illumination is required to detect surface defects on rough and/or specular surfaces.

This lamp assembly offers exceptional, flicker-free illumination for applications including pharmaceutical processing, foil inspection, PCB components and watch making part inspection including BGA.

The Ryf NKL90 lamp assembly is available in 101mm) or 152mm) diameter diffusing sphere that incorporates an innovative lamp design to provide full hemispherical illumination.

This fluorescent illuminator is offered with a aluminium housing for more industrial environments. The housing is designed with integrated mounting options to fit a variety of applications. Standard lamp options include a variety of white colour temperatures, black light blue (UV) and wavelength specific colours.

The standard, high-frequency (25 kHz) driver is supplied with an in-line style driver unit.

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